exploring open academia

Cory Doctorow on Aaron Swartz and Much More…

Continuing our exploration into the life of Aaron Swartz, Epistemicast has been lucky enough to grab an interview with Aaron’s friend, early couch-surfing host and tireless fellow activist Cory Doctorow. A New York Times best-selling author, we explored Cory’s own views on the world of Free and Open Source Software, Open Access and Open Academia, as well as getting some touching personal insights into Aaron as a person.

In true chat-show style, it is incumbent on us to plug Cory’s own ever-gripping Website (https://craphound.com/); to thank him once again for taking time out to speak to us during the busy launch of his new novel ‘The Lost Cause’; and to give a five-star personal recommendation from the Epistemicast team for ‘Chokepoint Capitalism’, his last non-fiction title written in collaboration with Professor Rebecca Giblin – both are available (away from the stranglehold of Amazon) at: https://craphound.com/shop/

Portrait, the office, Clerkenwell, London (by Paula Mariel Salischiker, pausal.co.uk, CC-BY).tif

Image: Portrait, the office, Clerkenwell, London (by Paula Mariel Salischiker, pausal.co.uk, CC-BY).tif

By Raman Ganguly
exploring open academia