exploring open academia

Digital Humanities in the API Economy

The inner workings of organisations from lean tech start-ups, to government departments and the largest global corporations are all being abstracted into open, standardised and easily accessible Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Shielded from the complexities of the underlying IT systems, the API economy is giving birth to a new breed of online entrepreneurship. How do we get things (products, services, information) to people in new and exciting ways? How do we create new experiences that blend the online, compute power and the physical?

Raman Ganguly, technical director of Phaidra, leads this roundtable with academics from the digital humanities space.

  • Prof. Franco Niccolucci — Former professor of the University of Florence and of the Science and Technology in the archaeology Center of the Cyprus Institute.
  • Marta Palandri — Software Developer at University of Applied Arts, Vienna
  • Dr. Arianna Ciula — Senior Analyst and Deputy Director at King’s Digital Lab
  • Prof. Elisabetta Lazzaro — Professor of Creative and Cultural Industries Management at Business School for the Creative Industries, University for the Creative Arts

This podcast is an excerpt of the full round table on Digital Humanities in the API Economy that can be found on the Phaidracon website:

Cover photo by Austrian National Library on Unsplash

About the author

Raman Ganguly

Raman became part of the team of the Computer Centre at the University of Vienna in 2008. Since 2011, one of his main focuses is the management and archiving of research and educational data. In this capacity, he is responsible for designing the technical infrastructure of the data management ecosystem of the University and for the sustainable operation of the technical infrastructure for long-term data preservation. He is the technical director of the PHAIDRA digital asset management system for long-term preservation. PHAIDRA is currently used by the University of Vienna and 21 institutions throughout Europe.

By Raman Ganguly
exploring open academia